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THE BEST DROUGHT-TOLERANT PLANTS FOR YOUR FALL GARDEN FALL IN LOVE WITH WATER-SAVING CALIFORNIA PLANTS Looking to give your garden a fall makeover? Giving your garden an updated fall feel is as easy as opting for colorful, drought-tolerant and California-native plants. With shorter, cooler days, fall is the perfect time to introduce new plants into your garden. “Fall is ideal for p...


I know if I were to have another profession other than real estate, I would own a nursery and spend my day playing with the plants. I ran across a fantastic site titled Gardening LA. I felt like I had won the lotto on all things gardening. Perhaps I am a little late to the party as Ivonne, the consummate blogger/garden aficionado, has been advising and posting for years. Bel...

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Spring Garden Tour Rossmoor

The Tradition continues...Spring Out Door Living & Garden Tour in Rossmoor .  Colorful Gardens | Out Door Living | Beauty | Friendships | Sunshine | Food a Spring Garden Tour for the community.  Sunday, May 7th, 2023. 11AM-4PM. Tickets Available for purchase on the RWC website.    Treat yourself to food, a fr...

Garden Tips in Spring

I know if I were to have another profession other than real estate, I would own a nursery and spend my day playing with the plants. I ran across a fantastic site titled Gardening LA. I felt like I had won the lotto on all things gardening. Perhaps I am a little late to the party as Ivonne, the consummate blogger/garden aficionado, has been advising and posting for years. Bel...

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Enjoying the Garden This Spring

I know if I were to have another profession other than real estate, I would own a nursery and spend my day playing with the plants.  I ran across a fantastic site titled Gardening LA. I felt like I had won the lotto on all things gardening. Perhaps I am a little late to the party as Ivonne, the consummate blogger/garden aficionado, has been advising and posting fo...

The Best Drought-Tolerant Plants For Your Garden

THE BEST DROUGHT-TOLERANT PLANTS FOR YOUR FALL GARDEN FALL IN LOVE WITH WATER-SAVING CALIFORNIA PLANTS   Looking to give your garden a summer makeover? Giving your garden an updated fall feel is as easy as opting for colorful, drought-tolerant and California-native plants. With longer, warmer days, summer is the perfect time to introduce new plants into your garden. &ldq...

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Plants For Your Fall Garden

THE BEST DROUGHT-TOLERANT PLANTS FOR YOUR FALL GARDEN FALL IN LOVE WITH WATER-SAVING CALIFORNIA PLANTS Looking to give your garden a fall makeover? Giving your garden an updated fall feel is as easy as opting for colorful, drought-tolerant and California-native plants. With shorter, cooler days, fall is the perfect time to introduce new plants into your garden. “Fall is ideal for p...

Garden Tour For You in Rossmoor

The Tradition continues...Spring Garden Tour in Rossmoor.  Colorful Gardens | Beauty | Friendships | Sunshine | Food a Spring Garden Tour for the community.  Sunday, May 18th, 2025. 11AM-4PM. Tickets Available for purchase on the Rossmoor Woman's Club RWC website.    Treat yourself to food, a fresh coffee or hot tea an...

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Backyard Ideas You Will Love

Photos credit: Janie Bruce Enjoying the warmer weather, chances are that you’re already spending time in your backyard. Here are some simple do it yourself (DIYs) ideas you can do to improve your backyard’s appeal. 1. Light up your backyard Photo credit: Janie Bruce Did this tip just make a light bulb pop up over your head? It should have, because this genius...