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Best Ice Cream Shops in Palm Springs

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM (especially in Palm Springs)! With Palm Springs weather showing no signs of cooling down, it’s time to treat yourself to some much-needed ice cream. So, where is the best place to go for ice cream in the Coachella Valley? We couldn’t choose just one place! So here’s our list of some of the top places to get ice cream in Palm Sp...

Palm Springs' Mojave Maxine Gives Groundhog Day a Run for Its Money

Featured image credit: The Living Desert Zoo and Gardens Groundhog Day, the annual tradition you sort of forgot was a thing, is coming up on February 2. And while the rest of the U.S. (and, believe it or not, Canada) will have to wait until then for the prophetic Punxsutawney Phil to  predict the coming of spring with his startling shadow, California moves at its own pace. Or, shou...