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Here's What to Do if the Home Insurance California Brokers Offer No Longer Covers You

If you’ve been paying attention to the news, you’ve seen it’s getting harder to secure California homeowners insurance. Farmers Insurance, the second most popular home insurance California provider, just announced their intentions to place a cap on new policies. This trails even stricter decisions by State Farm and Allstate to completely cease issuing homeowner’s policie...

The Future of the Housing Market: Don't Panic

There’s an absurd amount of propaganda about the housing market in the news these days. And it’s not just our clients who are absorbing it. I was watching a video the other day in which a journalist stated we could see a “20% decrease in housing year over year.” But they didn’t elaborate at that point which is deeply irresponsible considering their profession ...

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Prop 60/90 - Perfect Time To Sell

I wanted to share some exciting news that could benefit you if you're considering a move. California's Proposition 60 and Proposition 90 offer significant property tax relief for homeowners aged 55 or older. Here's how you can take advantage of these propositions:  Proposition 60 Stay in the Same County: If you are 55 or older, you can transfer your current property...

The Starburst House is the Home That Wasn't But Someday Could be

All imaged credited to: Whitaker Studio Normally, a house like the one we’re looking at today would get a feature in our home spotlight series. But to make it into that column, a house needs to actually exist. And outside of a concept, that’s not the case with the Starburst House. Perhaps you’ve seen it featured on CNN, Business Insider, Homes and Garden...

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11331 Kensington Rd Sold with Janie

Celebrating a Unique Property Sale in Rossmoor - 11331 Kensington Rd. In Stunning Rossmoor Orange County $1,699,000 Hello, fellow real estate enthusiasts! Today, we are thrilled to share the details of a recent closed sale that truly embodies the charm and uniqueness of Rossmoor, California. We met our fantastic buyers one year ago and they remembered us and when it was time to bu...