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California’s Governor Newsom Signs Catalytic Converter Theft Prevention Bills Into Law

Imagine rushing out to your car in the early hours of the morning, the workday looming ahead of you. You toss your jacket and belongings in the passenger seat, flop down in front of the wheel, crank the ignition and… you’re met with a sound similar to a jet plane firing up its engines. But you drive a Prius. You’re the latest victim of catalytic converter pirates. Car trouble...

Lucas Museum Opening Delayed Until 2025

It seems like the opening of the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art is still far, far away. If you couldn’t believe that the $1-billion museum was coming to Los Angeles before, its two-year delay should make it real. After all, this city is known for its delayed plans. The massive museum, currently in the midst of being constructed in Exposition Park, will now open its doors in 2025&...

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Would You Pay $75 Million to Live in a Luxury Condo?

You may not be willing to pony up $75 million for a luxury condo, but the Four Seasons is betting somebody will. That’s the cost of the penthouse crowning their 12-story private residences complex on the border of Beverly Hills. It should come as no surprise that $75 million is well over the record sale price for a luxury condo in Los Angeles. But in a sprawling megalopolis where single f...

Get Spooked by the Best Halloween Yard Displays and Walk-Throughs in the LA Area

Feature image credit: Southern California Haunt List (VanOaks Cemetery) No matter how you slice it, Los Angeles is a city that loves Halloween. Maybe it’s the series of interconnected neighborhoods, each proffering their own communal take on the Halloween spirit. Or perhaps it’s the industry insiders concocting some of the most creative amateur haunted walk-throughs you’ll ...

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No Plans for the Holidays? Check Out These 8 Options

Los Angeles treasure Sparks wrote the original anti-Christmas carol with “Thank God It’s Not Christmas” as part of their solid 1974 record Kimono My House. During the chorus, Russell Mael gratefully imparts, “Thank God it’s not Christmas when there is only you and nothing else to do.” But there are much worse places to be than LA during Christmas…...

Seal Beach Sun Newspaper

The Seal Beach Sun (formally known as the Journal) has been The Local Paper since April 1967.  This keeps neighbors and local residents up to date on what's going on with local businesses, new restaurants, residents and fun and cool events. The famous car show is coming soon with the live music bands on Main Street for the family to enjoy while taking a stroll down th...

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Best Ice Cream Shops in Palm Springs

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM (especially in Palm Springs)! With Palm Springs weather showing no signs of cooling down, it’s time to treat yourself to some much-needed ice cream. So, where is the best place to go for ice cream in the Coachella Valley? We couldn’t choose just one place! So here’s our list of some of the top places to get ice cream in Palm Sp...

Palm Springs' Mojave Maxine Gives Groundhog Day a Run for Its Money

Featured image credit: The Living Desert Zoo and Gardens Groundhog Day, the annual tradition you sort of forgot was a thing, is coming up on February 2. And while the rest of the U.S. (and, believe it or not, Canada) will have to wait until then for the prophetic Punxsutawney Phil to  predict the coming of spring with his startling shadow, California moves at its own pace. Or, shou...

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Restaurant Service Fees Go the Way of the Dodo Thanks to Anti-Drip Pricing Law

Hidden restaurant fees have been plaguing with a heightened intensity since restaurants re-opened in the wake of the global pandemic. But relief may be on the horizon thanks to a new law that goes into effect across California on July 1. Aimed at eliminating hidden fees in ticket sales, the state attorney general has clarified it also applies to those obnoxiously unexpected fees commonly tacked...

The Seal Beach Sun and Beauty

The Seal Beach Sun (formally known as the Journal) has been The Local Paper since April 1967.  This keeps neighbors and local residents up to date on what's going on with local businesses, new restaurants, residents and fun and cool events. The famous car show is coming soon with the live music bands on Main Street for the family to enjoy while taking a stroll down th...